Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Day 73 - The morning after the night before

As people are waking up to the hangover of Hurricane Sandy, I ventured out to have a look at what damage had been caused.

100th Street between FDR and 1st seemed to have taken the brunt of it. Cars are scattered in the middle of the road as if they were matchbox size. They are filled to the brim with branches, garbage and whatever else Sandy felt like putting in their trunks!

I walked to the car lot that was on 98th and there was one customer shouting at, well I can only presume was the owner, that they should have done more to protect their cars... I couldn't help but disagree! Ignoramus.

100th St 1st Av. 
100th St 1st Av.
100th St 1st Av.

100th St 1st Av.
The owners of this car had the car park staff emptying water out of their car with cups... 
Con Edison trying to restore power to the worst hit places. 
New tree sculpture.

The Shell garage effectively turned into a waste bin, collecting a lot of the debris. 

100th St between 1st and FDR. Crazy to think that this was under water last night 
The corner buildings basement this morning.

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