Sunday, 18 November 2012

Day 92 - A Traditional NY Family

After class, while on the way to rugby training, I walked past the craziest family. As I did not want to be seen by any of them, I had to take a 'stealth shot' just in case I got eaten by the Dad who was the size of a Polar Bear... on steroids!

I am going to attempt a detailed description of each member. So here goes...

Family Member 1 - The Man - He was, with no exaggeration, one of the biggest men I have ever witnessed. He was pimp swaggering down 34th, with all white Dre. Beat headphones in and F1 driver style sunglasses. To compliment his white headphones, he was wearing a white beanie; white trackies; a white puffa jacket and of course, all white Nike Air sneakers. If you just picture a polar bear in a 50 Cent video, you are not far from what he looked like.

Family Member 2 - The Women - She barely reached the mans belly button. She did however make up with her height by wearing more jewellery and makeup than Macy's and Bloomingdales put together. Kim Kardashian watch out!

Family Member 3 - Child No. 1 - V. Cute. All brown, knitted onesie and baby UGG's. Clearly the leader of the bunch.

Family Member 4 - Child No. 2 - This kid doesn't walk. This kid doesn't listen to music through headphones. This kid doesn't drive with her arms at ten to two... Wait! Drive?
This pampered princess was driving in her fully automated mini-jeep, leaning one arm on her door, while the other is casually resting on the top of the steering wheel. As she drove down the middle of the pavement, she was in no way scared of using her horn to nudge people that wouldn't move. And of course there was a boom box strapped to the back of her miniature gangster wagon playing at full blast.

This family were the epitome of swagger! HONY if you are reading this, they would be your profile picture for sure.

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