Sunday, 9 December 2012

Day 112 - World in 2013 Fesitval

Today, I attended the World in 2013 Festival at the Skirball Centre, NYU. I have now been exposed to sectors that I have never paid any serious amount of attention towards. It has certainly given me some food for thought when it comes to dissertation topics.

Below are eight topics which were quite prevalent at the festival;

1. China's growth is not going to last due to the 'Authoritarian Growth Miracle' burning out.To grow, political reform is essential - Bill Easterly.
2. China's growth is going to last as domestic demand will increase - Dambiso Mayo.
3. Etiquette of Social Media will be questioned - Amanda Palmer.
4. We will rely on regional, local food production - Dan Barber.
5. Cyber-war/hacking/espionage will become more prevalent - Bill Clarke.
6. Good: End point for EU crisis. Bad: Middle east will continue to explode. Ugly: China's rise -Ian Bremmer.
7. Triskaidekaphobia will be said far too much - Daniel Franklin.
8. The childhood obesity epidemic is going to create an inordinate amount of tuba players - Will Tracy.

Also, the editor of The Onion favorited one of my tweets. No biggie!

Due to being absorbed in the conversations, I didn't get a chance to take that many pictures. I did however get some shots of the talent that is Kevin Kallaugher. The cartoon that you can see him drawing below, was his version of the World in 2013! Fascinating.
Inyang Bassey. She had an amazing voice.

Kevin Kallaugher. Editorial cartoonist for The Economist.

Not bad for 5mins work!

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