After an early finish from work, we headed straight over to Coney Island. We were actually heading for an evening in the West Village but got talking on the subway and missed our stop. My bad!
We headed straight for the go karts. They were not a great start for Jack and I. Dad had a great time though, dominating the track while we got caught up in traffic.
To let out some frustration from the karts, we went to smash some plates. After four attempts, I finally managed to win a cuddly toy.
We then headed for Cyclone. A roller coaster that was first made in 1927. The faces on the picture below are genuine, as I was busy playing with the camera, thinking it was going to be a relaxing ride, until it suddenly decided to throw me out of my seat (slight exaggeration maybe)!
Coming back down to earth with a bang - literally - we headed to the pier for an ice cream and to watch the fireworks light up the sandy beaches. To top it off, we also witnessed a security guard boomtime a teenage girl try and run towards the fireworks. She supposedly wanted to go for a swim... via the fireworks!

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